One of the most rewarding experiences I have gone through as a pastor's wife is that of mentoring women into the place where they can best honor God and advance His kingdom.
These three women have, on their own initiative, made a personal commitment to pray for me and my husband every week. They have interceded for us, defended us, prophesied over us, exhorted us with the word of God, fought our battles for us when we were down. They faithfully sent us text messages to encourage us and affirm us both in our work and in our personal lives. They cried for me when I was diagnosed with breast cancer. They embraced my children and watched over them while I went through my treatment. They cheered my husband up and stood by him when others deserted him during the tough months of our battle for my health. Because of their love for God and His church, they have made a decision to support our leadership with full loyalty and service.
Alvi is a woman of dreams and visions. There have been many times when she would share to me about what she had dreamt about as a forewarning of things to come in our church. True enough, these dreams would take place and because she spoke to me about them beforehand, we would be able to make our decisions in a more confident manner. Through Alvi's sensitive and timely words, we would be able to see the hand of God in seemingly insignificant situations.
Irene is the encourager. Through her gift with words she can rally large groups of people towards a goal. She is the marketing arm, the charismatic leader, the saleswoman among the three. She can sell her ideas with eloquence and charm. In the days when I am down in the dumps, listening to her lifts my spirits and brings me to the right perspective. If I need someone to talk in my behalf, Irene is the person to carry it out.
Jane is the person who has an eye for details. She is always talking about strategies, timetables, budgets, surveys and systems. Everytime we need someone to accomplish something that calls for meticulous precision, she is the one we contact. Tough on the outside, she is actually a softie at heart. She is a very good counselor and shoulder to cry on. If a problem needs a systematic, well-thought of and properly implemented solution, Jane is the name to call.
We have now come to a point where I trust them with my very life. I am fully and totally confident that they will do everything in their power to help me.
I entered a relationship with these three women with the intention of sharing with them all that I know, in the hopes that they will also share what they learn with others. The wonderful bonus in this arrangement is that I think I have learned more from them than what I have shared. They have given more than they have taken.
We have laughed, we have cried, we have loved and we have grown together. Now our relationship has evolved from discipleship to that of deep and lasting friendship.